Effektri en Balanstri

Welcome to Effektri!

Voor bestellingen in Nederland en België verwijzen we je door naar www.balanstri.com

Thank you for visiting our website! We hope it helps you to get an understanding of how we can help you improve your own as well as your horses’, dog’s or cat’s diet, performance, health and wellbeing with our unique oil blends and supplements. Over fifteen years ago we launched our line of fish oil food supplements and home tests into the Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Dutch market under the brand name ‘1Life’. We have continued developing effective supplements and blends based on fish oil and special extra vergine olive oil ever since, not only for humans (Balanstri) but also for animals (Effektri). The development of both Effektri and Balanstri products is based on scientific expertise. Our products are developed by Dr. Ola Eide, Dr. Harmen Hofstra and Oddur Gunnarson. They still are an important part of our team.

Science is the foundation of our company and our supplements. The effect of all
supplements developed and produced by us has therefore been scientifically proven. Our ambition is to be innovative and to offer products that benefit both human and animal health in the short and long term. We only use the best natural ingredients, which are fully traceable and are combined to create unique formulas.

All the products we offer and the innovative new products with which we will expand our range meet these requirements. Our products are of pharmaceutical quality, GMP+ produced and packaged NONGMO. The Effektri and Balanstri products are available through our web shop, affiliated specialists, shops and/or veterinarians. if you need any advice on any of our products or indeed any nutritional issues, please do contact us via our contact form!

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